Our 1st virtual Christmas Book Club Meeting!! We met at 9 AM to discuss "All My Lies Are True" by Dorothy Koosman.
Hostess, Ardee (Dee) asked everyone to wear festive headgear and to position themselves in front of Christmas decor. It was amusing to see everyone comply and the backgrounds (as you can see) were beautiful.
Karen blessed our meeting with a lovely holiday prayer for not only our meeting, but for the health and safety of our book club members, family and friends.
We dove right into the questions with a lengthy discussion surrounding family secrets . As usual, we begin with the topics in the book, then we pivot and segue to our own family secrets and deceptions. This is always enthralling and sometimes "gasp" worthy.
We delved into the conversation of "sharing" information with your parents - how it differentiates between male and female children and does it ever become a non-issue. Many members with children made some valid points. Celeste mentioned the seasonality of children and how the maturation process changes the parental/child interaction. Roz mentioned the social media aspect of relationships with her girls and how she is able to use this to "extract" information and make sure everyone is safe.
The mental state of Logan came up several times. How can someone harbor this much rage for such a long period of time, and concoct a scheme to ruin someone's life? That is a whole different level of evil that calls for prayer, redemption and maybe an exorcism or TWO!
This book was filled with topics of abuse (both mental and physical); murder, deception. injustices in the penal system and of course, LIES. There were many characters, however we never felt they overwhelmed the reader with too much "fluff" and unnecessary details. The "Who Done It" reveal was surprising and flooded us with questions and comments.
We agreed that what we enjoyed most about the book was Ms. Koosmon's writing and her plot twists. What we enjoyed the least was the repetition or the same scene written from the vantage point of different protagonists.
After our discussion, we played a holiday game that I invented called, "Musical Christmas Songs". In this game, everyone names a Christmas song, in a stated order and once a song is not stated, the person has to exit the game. The hilarious part about the game is that many of us have never heard of some of the songs. With this said, Ka Saundra mentioned a song; "Christmas In The Hollis" and NO ONE every heard of it. Later I did "Google" it and low and behold, it is a song (with video) by "Run DMC"!! So, with that said, in addition to Karen, Ka Saundra will also be awarded an Amazon Gift Card (Tee Hee)!
I asked everyone to please support a local "Black Owned Business" during the holidays and ALWAYS - particularly during this difficult time when small businesses are in the survival mode. We are also requesting that members place non-perishable food items in the "Food Harvest Bank" bins located at the exits of most Publix Supermarkets.
Thanks Dee for a wonderful meeting for the most wonderful time of the year!!
I so enjoyed our 1st virtual Christmas meeting!!!!