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Celeste, our hostess, invites us into her home for the discussion of "Buying Time" by Pamela Samuels-Young

Guest, Lisa attends her 7th meeting!! She also arrives early to assist Celeste with any last minute prep!! Thanks, Lisa!!

Guest and Author, Katherin attends her 4th meeting!!

Dee, and guest, Juanita

Celeste and guest, Yvonne

Top Chef

Top Chef

Congratulations to Val for winning the "Green Colander Award" as the "Top Chef" in the Oprah Cookbook Challenge. Her winning entry was the "Basic Tomato Soup" She won a $50 Visa Gift Card and shoe themed dish towels that read: Will Cook For Shoes!!

Welcome Back!!

Welcome Back!!

Once an U.S. G.I.R.L.. - Always an U.S. G.I.R.L. "Welcome Back, Twilla and Ka Saundra!!!!" #UsGirls4Life

Thank YOU, Celeste

Thank YOU, Celeste

Thank you, Celeste for inviting us in to experience the world of "Buying Time" and Skyping in author, Pamela Samuels-Young. What a treat!!

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